About this blog

This blog examines current ideas on alternative treatments for Crohn's disease. Although the medical community will tell you that diet doesn't matter, or that alternative treatments are worthless for treating Crohn's disease, this is only because there hasn't been as much double blind clinical testing for most alternative treatments. Therefore they cannot with certainty offer them to you. But, the truth is, many treatments can have an effect on Crohn's disease, or at least improve your general health. We attempt to examine them here.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Listen To Your Gut - Jinni Patel Thompson: Oregano Oil and Probiotics

We are now reading Jinni Patel Thompson's book, Listen To Your Gut, and exploring her theories on natural methods of overcoming Crohn's disease. Jinni basic protocol is to use oregano oil to kill the infections in your body that are causing the Crohn's disease, and to use probiotics to replace the gut flora. She also says that probiotics will act to kill and crowd out bad bacteria in the gut.


She believes that to kill the infection that could be causing your Crohn's disease you need to take 30-60 drops of oregano oil daily for as long as six months or until the infection is conquered. The problem with this recommendation is that many websites do not recommend long term oregano oil internal usage, saying that it can cause clotting issues and problems with toxicity with the liver.

A wikihow page says the following:

Do not use oregano oil for long-term treatment. Because oregano oil may interfere with iron absorption and can impact blood clotting, oregano oil should only be used for short-term treatments of targeted conditions.[5]
  • Oregano oil is not a recommended daily supplement, even for individuals who suffer from chronic bowel inflammation or long-term gastrointestinal problems, unless it has been prescribed by a health professional.

Dr. Mercola also does not recommend oregano oil for long term use, and suggests using it under the tongue most of the time.

Other sites talk about how it will kill off all your good flora. Jinni talks about this as well, if fact she thinks that is the point - that it kills off bacteria, but you must follow it with doses of probiotics. She says that her oregano oil protocol is as effective as taking vancomyacin, but has a broader spectrum of effectiveness in that it includes fungi and parasites.

As far as probiotics are concerned, she only recommends one company Natren. She (and the company, whom I spoke with personally) claim that their probiotics are human origin and human implantable strains.

I took Natren probiotics before discovering Primal Defense, and did not find that they were able to control my disease symptoms. I found that Primal Defense was much stronger. They did cause a die-off reaction, indicative of killing bacteria, but my symptoms were the same after taking the product. I also felt that the product was very expensive, at a $1 a pill, nearly twenty years ago.

But they have a couple of Bifidobacterium products that I am interested in. Bifidobacteriums have the reputation of being histamine lowering, so I am interested in finding one to take right now. After consulting with the Natren company, they suggested taking LifeStart, which  is the best of their probiotics to take if you are sensitive to die-off from probiotics, and a good place to start. It is their probiotic for babies and contains Bifidobacterium infantis. This probiotic has clinical studies that show that it is histamine lowering and helps people with IBS.

Jinni Patel Thompson does appear to be very negative about probiotic formulations that use soil organisms like Primal Defense from Garden of Life, which I have used for almost twenty years. She says that soil organisms are scary because they are spore forming and can cause invasive infections. My understanding is that the only soil organism in Primal Defense is Bacillus subtilis. This wikipedia page:


has many positive things to say about using Bacillus subtilis as a human probiotic and even says it that appears to be a normal human resident! It has been used extensively for about 100 years to enhance the immune system and help people people with digestive disorders. Also, it is the organism that natto is made out of which Japanese people have been eating traditionally.

I think that Jinni Patel Thompson is intelligent and has well thought out alternative answers to Crohn's disease. I agree that Crohn's disease can respond to treatment for infection. But her views on oregano oil are extreme, and her views on probiotics are very narrow. But I will continue reading...

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