So this product is actually supplying a needed nutrient that the body is lacking if it is in that state. Sounds great, right? How could that cause die-off or detoxification reactions?
Well, I started out at a high dose, thinking that it could only make me feel better, not worse, right? After a few weeks of it I had a little bit of increased symptoms, so I backed down to one third the dose. But then toward the end of May, I started having incredibly bad stomach pain, so bad I thought sure I needed to go to the hospital. I stopped taking the product. These events would last several hours, or a whole day, and then be gone. But then I would also have other signs of die-off/detoxification like body pain and digestive symptoms. This went on for the next three months, gradually lessening over time.
I even went to see my gastroenterologist to make sure that I didn't have gallstones and to get her thoughts on the situation. She diagnosed gastritis, after an ultrasound showed no stones, and prescribed an acid blocking medicine. I have not taken this.
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